Saturday, February 15, 2020

Masuring Health and Diseases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Masuring Health and Diseases - Essay Example The ill effect of the drugs can also be seen in the increasing number of the criminals in jails which clearly demonstrates the association between drugs and crime. Measuring substance abuse is a significant area in the medical field. Modern science has implemented many different ways to estimate the impact of treatment on drug abuse. Farrokh Alemi & Heibatollah Baghi in their online article, Measurement of Substance Abuse Treatment Outcomes Over Time, rightly identify these ways as; â€Å"percentage of positive drug tests, probability of drug use, percentage of patients abstaining from any use, total number of days of use, daily probability use and average days till next use†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Alemi and Heibatollah). It makes clear the fact that measuring health related with substance abuse has an elite role in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. The journal article entitled How Science Has Revolutionized the Understanding of Drug Addiction by Nora D. Volkow illustrates the issue of drug addiction and its diagnosis. Author leads the reader to think about various health issues related with drug abuse especially among the adolescents. Measuring diseases and health deterioration is a significant area of measurement in the process of diagnosing health issues related with drug abuse. Author’s comment permits the reader to modify his/her existing knowledge about health problems related with drug abuse. In this respect one can advocate authors view; â€Å"Tobacco use killed approximately 100 million people during the 20th century and, if current smoking trends continue, the cumulative death toll for this century has been projected to reach 1 billion† (Addiction and Health). Adolescent who follow the practices of drug abuse often show the symptoms of low academic performance, early drop out of school, and unplanned pre gnancies. Severe

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Proposition 8 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposition 8 - Research Paper Example null and void by the federal courts had created an amendment to the Californias constitution that said that marriages between a man and woman were legal and enforceable by law declaring al same sex marriages as unenforceable. Before its passing, the California states same-sex marriages were protected by right. Despite the affirmation by the Californias supreme courts in May 2008, the legislation went ahead and prepared the proposition. The campaigns around the proposition 8w ere highly contested. The repercussion of the vote, an influential focus on Proposition 8 was sustained with demonstration around the state, country and litigation1. It has a focus on several aspects of the proposal and campaign funding. Three court cases seeking to nullify Proposition 8 were put up just after the election in November. In addition, the California Supreme Court proclaimed it would consider the lawsuits. In May, 2009, the Supreme Court of California upheld the amendment to the constitution2. Proposition 8 is uncomplicated and straightforward. It contained the identical 14 words that were beforehand accepted in 2000 by approximately 61% of votes in California: â€Å"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.† The sentiments in the proposition 8 were not first raised in the proposal, they had been earlier raised in the year 2000 where nearly 61 percent of the votes in California in the state. The vote was consequently overturned by a panel of four judges. Further activism sort to redeem the "peoples choice" through a constitutional amendment. The activism sort to "restore the definition of marriage" which was a union between a man and a woman. According to the creators of the proposition, it had an aim of protecting the institution of marriage, but was not an attack towards the gay fraternity. Notable is that the proposition has no intention of infringing on the benefits and rights bestowed on both gays and lesbians who are in domestic union or