Thursday, May 7, 2020

Information About Seizure Of Computers - 2673 Words

Seizing Computer Evidence Introduction: Patrol officers are often called upon to seize a computer for analysis. It is essential that all patrol officers know how to properly seize a computer. Resources: The following online resources can be used to complete this research assignment: †¢ Focus URL: This Web site provides tips for seizing a computer for forensic examination. †¢ New Jersey Computer Evidence Search and Seizure Manual URL: This Web site provides details regarding the search and seizure of computers. †¢ Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence URL: This Web site provides†¦show more content†¦Explaining digital evidence and providing at least three examples of devices that can contain digital evidence. 2. I will address the issue of properly preserving digital evidence. 3. I will discuss how to properly preserve and document a computer crime scene prior to seizing the computer. 4. I will explain how to properly shut down the computer at the time of seizure. 5. I will address transport and evidence transmittal issues. To define what â€Å"digital† evidence is; first I will define what normal crime scene evidence is. Crime scene â€Å"evidence† is: â€Å"Any data, materials, objects, property, documents, or records that are given to a prosecutor/defense of a criminal case, which prosecutor/defense presents in court to be used as testimony against or for a defendant in open court.† (Knetzger, Michael and Muraski, Jeremy, 2008) (p. 278) Therefore, â€Å"digital† evidence is very similar and familiar to first responders because digital evidence is, evidence that is of an electronic nature, where its environment is in the â€Å"virtual reality† of computers and other electronic devices. Digital, electronic data, or information takes the form of â€Å"bits† and â€Å"bytes,† which are stored magnetically on a computer’s hard disk drive. Digital evidence can take many different forms; such as:

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